An infection of the oral pharynx and tonsils by streptococcus.
Examples for "streptococcal sore throat "
Examples for "streptococcal sore throat "
1 Pneumonia, strep throat , herpes, allergic reactions, esophageal obstruction, chicken pox, bronchitis, tonsillitis.
2 His labored efforts to answer reporters' questions sounded like Gollum with strep throat .
3 Practice guidelines call for strep throat to be treated with antibiotics.
4 Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory complication of strep infection-oftenstrep throat.
5 With the exception of strep throat , those infections are typically caused by viruses.
1 When inhaled thymol is most useful against septic sore throat , especially during scarlet fever.
1 He couldn't find anything wrong and thought he might have a throat infection .
2 He was diagnosed with a throat infection and kept overnight on intravenous antibiotics.
3 The child develops a throat infection & their return is delayed a few days.
4 They prevent meningitis caused by H. influenzae, pneumonia and a severe throat infection called epiglottitis.
5 In 1944 she died of a throat infection that would now easily be cured with antibiotics.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for streptococcus tonsilitis